Microdosing Lucidity
- Jando’s Liszt
- Seville oranges
- Nietzsche contra Wagner
- TurboBurger, Tbilisi
- exotic R^4 & the study of smooth things
- seL4, CUDA
- Ulysses, Joyce (& Joyce generally)
- Badwater Basin, Death Valley
- The Last Lecture, Pausch
- Intercourse, Dworkin
- pacman -Syu (nix too)
- Spivak’s Calculus
- Raskolnikov’s foils
- effective martyrdom
- Kakutani & Lawvere fixed-point theorems
- Gatsby
- Notes from Type-Moon
- reflective oracles, logical inductors
- {Pnin, Lolita}, Nabokov
- “My Only Friend”
- Brahms Op. 117 No. 2 & 3
- Piazzolla, Milonga del Angel
- cubical type theory
- Ideal Commonwealths (More, Bacon, Lycurgus…)
- growing organs & artificial wombs
- grand unified memetic theories
- ROMA, palimpset
- Agda, Coq (not Lean)
- Haskell lenses
- …
^ a brief attempt at decomposing my aesthetic preferences.
Anyway, I’m Yudhister! Nice to meet you :D